Main Page
Welcome to the wiki of The Institute for Technology in the Public Interest
On this wiki you can find work-in-progress, documentation of methods and tactical publications under development. Our main website is here:
Tactical publications
- RESISTANT INFRA: infrastructures for resistance/resistant infrastructures
- Potential Removal (with Peter Westenberg)
- A Catalogue of Formats for Digital Discomfort (Jara Rocha)
- Infrastructural Interactions Workbook → wiki/plain text version
- Infrables → wiki/plain text version
- Counter Cloud Action Plan → wiki/plain text version
- The Suspicious System: A conversation on the rise of automated bureaucracies
- Frequently Asked Questions about Trans*Feminist Counter Cloud Action → wiki/plain text version
- Overview of wiki-to-pdf publications
- Overview of published papers, interviews and podcasts
Lists, readers, collections
- [Infrastructural Rehearsals Library]
- Complicit Chips: a reader for infra resistance
- Onderwijs en cloud services (In Dutch. Opinies, artikelen en referenties in het Nederlands over de dominantie van Big Tech cloud services in het (hoger) onderwijs)
Bug reports
- The long tail of contact tracing
- EU Digital COVID Certificates: When governments move fast and break things
Imbricated projects
SoLiXG key concepts
Regenerative Energy Communities
Infrastructural Rehearsals
Creative infrastructures
- wiki-to-pdf-manual (with Infrastructural Manouevres)
- Burrow (with Aggeliki Diakrousi)
- Gitlab repository
- Tardigraph (with Martino Morandi)
- titipi.local installation manual
- Digital Ethics Audit: Counter Cloud Action Plan (with NEoN)
Community research
- Revisiting Palestine Online (Miriyam Aouragh)
- Complicit Chips
- Other Weapons, What have you given up in the name of safety? (research report)
- Gwen Barnard, Naomi Alizah Cohen, Notes Towards an Antifascist Infrastructural Analysis (research report)
- LaaS, Life as a Service. InfraMaintenance Fellowship 2023 (with Hangar & La Virreina)
Campaign materials
- Pocketpower! (with Varia for Thehmm)
- Digital Depletion Posters (with Cristina Cochior, Batool Desouky for NEoN)
- Slogans (various authors)
- Downloads