SoLiXG:Greece’s recovery and resilience plan

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Greece's plan documents



Report by Reporters United

The article questions the involvement of the private company Price Waterhouse Cooper (PWC) that worked as a consultant for the Greek government for the development of the plan. They critique the lack of information and clarity regarding the level of their involvement. The authors asked the government (not sure) if the company participated in the final decisions and development of the plan as they didn't have the right and their role was limited in the technical support. The ministry of Digital Governance responded that the work started much earlier before their involvement and that they were only there for support.

In general the article is a critique on the dependence on consultant companies which may deal with exclusions from EU while working with nations. An example is the case of Spain and the company Deloitte which was also offering services to the Spanish oil company Cepsa, supporting its efforts to win grants from the Recovery Fund.


What does this say for the digital sovereignty and autonomy of the national plans?

Word Frequency

Most frequent words

Greece National Recovery and Resilience Plan

('κόστους', 1013)
('επενδύσεων', 912)
('Μέρος', 830)
('μεταρρυθμίσεων', 722)
('Ανάκαμψης', 673)
('(ID:', 638)
('επενδύσεις', 622)
('εφαρμογή', 615)
('σχεδίου', 612)
('Ανθεκτικότητας', 556)
('ανάπτυξη', 497)
('κόστος', 491)
('Άξονα', 484)
('Περιγραφή', 476)
('μεταρρυθμίσεις', 445)
('εργασίας', 437)
('συστήματος', 416)
('τομέα', 409)
('βελτίωση', 371)
('Άξονας', 355)
('Συμπληρωματικότητα', 353)
('δεδομένων', 334)
('μεταρρύθμιση', 329)
('πλαίσιο', 319)
('αύξηση', 313)
('υπηρεσιών', 313)
('Σχέδιο', 313)
('στόχο', 310)
('Ελλάδα', 306)
('περιλαμβάνει', 306)
('ενίσχυση', 299)
('Μεταρρύθμιση', 295)
('Σχεδίου', 293)
('αναβάθμιση', 285)
('Επένδυση', 285)
('αγορά', 279)
('επίσης', 277)
('συνολικού', 275)
('ψηφιακών', 266)
('Επιπλέον,', 265)
('ψηφιακό', 251)
('επένδυση', 249)
('οικονομίας', 248)
('έργο', 246)
('αξιολόγηση', 240)
('έργων', 239)
('ΕΕ', 237)
('στόχους', 234)
('υπηρεσίες', 232)
('σύστημα', 231)
('έργου', 230)
('δημιουργία', 230)
('έργα', 229)
('ανάλυση', 225)
('μετασχηματισμός', 224)
('συστημάτων', 224)
('Ολοκλήρωση', 224)
('σχετικών', 222)
('εκτίμηση', 218)
('Ορόσημο', 217)
('χώρας', 216)
('μείωση', 216)
('προώθηση', 214)
('στοχεύει', 211)
('χρήση', 208)
('ενέργειας', 208)
('τρίμην', 207)
('αφορά', 205)
('βάση', 203)
('ανάπτυξης', 201)
('στοιχείων', 200)
('νέων', 199)
('διαχείρισης', 198)
('Ψηφιακός', 197)
('προσέγγιση', 197)
('προκλήσεις', 196)
('πρέπει', 194)
('δεξιοτήτων', 190)
('επιχειρήσεων', 189)
('αντιμετώπιση', 188)
('ανάλυσης', 188)
('σχετίζονται', 184)
('πληροφοριών', 180)
('κατάρτισης', 177)
('πολιτικές', 177)
('προστασία', 177)
('παροχή', 176)
('Στόχος', 174)
('μετασχηματισμό', 174)
('αγοράς', 173)
('περιλαμβάνονται', 172)
('2020', 170)
('ελέγχου', 170)
('ΑΕΠ', 167)
('αρχές', 165)
('υγείας', 164)
('αναμένεται', 163)
('στόχοι', 161)
('σύμφωνα', 161)
('Ταμείου', 160)
('εκπαίδευσης', 160)
('εφαρμογής', 160)

('cost', 1013)
('investments', 912)
('Part', 830)
('reforms', 722)
('Recovery', 673)
('(ID:', 638)
('Investment', 622)
('Implementation', 615)
('Plan', 612)
('Resilience', 556)
('development', 497)
('cost', 491)
('Axis', 484)
('Description', 476)
('reforms', 445)
('labour', 437)
('system', 416)
('sector', 409)
('improvement', 371)
('Axis', 355)
('Complementarity', 353)
('data', 334)
('reform', 329)
('Framework', 319)
('Increase', 313)
('services', 313)
('Plan', 313)
('target', 310)
('Greece', 306)
('includes', 306)
('aid', 299)
('Reform', 295)
('Plan', 293)
('upgrade', 285)
('Investment', 285)
('Purchase', 279)
('also', 277)
('total', 275)
('digital', 266)
('In addition,', 265)
('digital', 251)
('investment', 249)
('economy', 248)
('project', 246)
('evaluation', 240)
('projects', 239)
('EU', 237) ('EU', 237)
('objectives', 234)
('services', 232)
('system', 231)
('project', 230)
('creation', 230)
('projects', 229)
('analysis', 225)
('transformation', 224)
('systems', 224)
('Integration', 224)
('related', 222)
('assessment', 218)
('Milestone', 217)
('country', 216)
('reduction', 216)
('promotion', 214)
('target', 211)
('use', 208)
('energy', 208)
('quarter', 207)
('concerns', 205)
('basis', 203)
('development', 201)
('data', 200)
('new', 199)
('management', 198)
('Digital', 197)
('Approach', 197)
('Challenges', 196)
('must', 194)
('skills', 190)
('business', 189)
('tackling', 188)
('analysis', 188)
('related', 184)
('information', 180)
('training', 177)
('policies', 177)
('protection', 177)
('provision', 176)
('Objective', 174)
('transformation', 174)
('market', 173)
('included', 172)
('2020', 170)
('control', 170)
('GDP', 167)
('authorities', 165)
('health', 164)
('expected', 163)
('targets', 161)
('according to', 161)
('Fund', 160)
('education', 160)
('implementation', 160)

Python script

First run this in the terminal:

pdf2txt -o doc.txt doc.pdf
import re 
from wordfreq import word_frequency
#this is a script to find the most frequent words in a textfile 
lines = open('gr-policy.txt', 'r')
text_list=text.replace('\n', ' ').split(".") 
with open("output.txt", "a") as f:
   for l in text_list:
       for w in l.split():
   for word in sep_words:
       freq = sep_words.count(word) 
           # all_freq.append(frequency)
   new_list=sorted(all_freq.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=True )
   print(*new_list, sep = "\n", file=f)