The workshop 'Toolmaking for a Human-Sized Agriculture' focuses on the relationship between tool design, the human body and the land.
Most industrial farm and garden tools are typically designed for the average person. They are not optimised for people with diverse body types and are only designed for generic gardening tasks. As a result, humans adapt themselves to tools, instead of tools being shaped after situated human needs and capabilities. At the same time, hand tools fall in disrepair and disuse, but this does not mean they have to be discarded. Repairing these tools can also become an opportunity for improvement and adaptation.
The workshop 'Toolmaking for a Human-Sized Agriculture' invites participants to join and repair or repurpose old garden tools. During the workshop we explore how these tools can be made to reflect one's specific needs, talents, interest and relationship to their local context. Join us for an afternoon of collectively building more personal and localised gardening practices where we shape tools for our needs and that of the land, rather than the other way around!