Infra colophon

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Infrastructure Colophon

The TITiPI website is currently hosted on Linode, an American hosting provider that focused on providing Linux-based virtual machines. The server we use, is based in the UK. Linode that was recently acquired by Akamai, another American company that specialises in edge computing (CDNN). Even if Linode was already identifying as "cloud hosting", we are now considering to migrate; Akamai is actively its server policies further into an increasingly intense cloud logic. The account is now registered to an individual member (not to TITiPI); this would be another reason to change providers. On the Linode server, we run pico, a flat cms, and a Mediawiki (you are reading a Mediawiki page right now) for notes and collective writing. On the wiki, we publish our statutes, guidelines and other instituting documents. The wiki has an custom extension, wiki-to-pdf developed with Martino Morandi, itself based on work by Manetta Berends and OSP. Hackers and Designers in turn continued wiki-to-pdf as wiki2print here. Currently we are testing out the installation of an xmpp logbot, inspired by work done by [ Varia] and possible because Aggeliki Diakrousi (member of Varia) joined TITiPI as part of the SoLiXG project. The domainname is registered in France with Gandi, who also hosts six email addresses and limited storage. The account is registered to an individual (not to TITiPI). https certification is managed by certbot, a Free Software tool provided by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. For notes and collaborative writing we use many etherpads, hosted by Constant; back-ups, administration and other files are stored on a shared nextcloud installation also provided by Constant. We will soon use an internal mailman e-mail list hosted at riseup; for the International Trans*Feminist Digital Depletion Strike, we used a mailinglist hosted at Domaine Public. Daily internal communication happens on Signal, which is privacy preserving and ran by an NGO, one of the rare centralized, non-Free Software tools in the TITiPI software stack. For video-conferences, TITiPI uses a free jitsi service provided by Greenhost, a Dutch hosting company specialised in "sustainable webhosting". For larger meetings we prefer Big Blue Button, "Open Source virtual classroom software" maintained by Constant. A Counter Cloud Action bookshelf is in the making as part of (or as a contribution to) the project. TITiPI has a mastodon account lurk. A small yearly contribution for maintaining the lurk and riseup infrastructure is paid by an individual member. A monthly fee for the Linode server is paid for by an individual member. All other tools are provided in-kind.