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==== Instructions: Mini Protest Banners ====
==== Instructions: Mini Protest Banners ====
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Revision as of 17:54, 5 June 2024

Research Read Friendship - Permission 2 Scatter  

FRIENDSHIPWEBs BETWEEN MY PROJECTS~PRACTICES-creating networks~systems~reminders

Materialized heavy processing

Materialized experiments through~with

I got what i need TOOLBELTS around my waist

Ceasefire Now! WEARABLE PROTESTBANNERS hanging off our clothes

supporting SPIDERSHIPS AND FRIENDWEBS  reassuring me

KNITTED LETTERS keeping my secrets

ENVELOPED QUESTIONS to open but not answer

knowing when I “see” it and not when I read it COILED/ WEBd WRITINGS to unlearn perfect writing, or to write for writing not for reading  

BUBBLES AND GIGGLES to keep giggling; protected

OKAY to find my way back

still struggling to put this thesis together,,,

MAYBE Scattered is how it will make sense to me
But there are deliverables and deadlines


So I'll have to manage a way to scatter together in this document.
Why do i get angry lol.

While the commodification of education and the spectre of the corporate university (private and public) haunts, and has indeed materialised in many locations, many campuses remain sites of struggle, whether erupting, dormant or under the radar. Over 50 years have passed since the 1968 wave of rebellion reverberated around the world against authoritarian rule, war and colonialism when students, often alongside workers, organised mass protests, sending shockwaves of alarm among political, economic and military elites (Dubinsky, Krull, Lord, Mills & Rutherford, 2009; de García, 2005; Pensado, 2015; Vrana, 2017 )[1]

The Web I move on (context)

This research has been made with friends, comrades, colleagues, mentors, through intimate conversations, academic talks, books, texts, poems, music, films, memes, walks, swims, infinite exchanges between (non)humans and (non)humans. Some I’m able to mention in the references, others I seem to have lost the thread, either way I’d like to acknowledge our interconnected webs of (un)learning.  

Most of the knowledges I have assimilated during this masters programm and where I, a priviledged white european cis gendered woman, can build my practice on, come from those who have resisted and never been acknowledged for their knowledge: lessend, missunderstood, mocked, unpaid, surveiled, ciminalized, silenced, never let into the academic space, marginalized, minoritised and racilialised incarcerated, killed for their their (embodied) knowledges; gender, race, ethnicity, language, nationality, class, sexuality,(dis)ability, health. Lack of access to bodymind health, education, transport, housing, wages, opportunity global warming unloved

Accessing~empowering~webs~(infra)structes~the same that been complicit in these decommonings (?), privatizes, genocided,  

This writing is being written, while the world is weeping, the hearts, bodies, (agri)cultures, climates,  there are multiple Genocides and ecocides being done and some of them being even live streamed: Sudan, Congo, Haiti, Myanmar and Palestine, and others we might not be aware of.  The carpet bombing of Gaza and its children has been going on for the seventh eighth consecutive month, and still there is an ongoing narrative, that justifies Israels crimes, atrocities. A similar narrative to the one I grew up hearing sitting on my kitchen table and in the classrooms, a narrative that justified the crimes committed by the Portuguese in and between Africa and South America. Crimes and atrocities as old as 500 years, that have not yet been (properly) accounted for.  

We have been Protesting Since the start of the carpet bombing.

Free, Free Palestine,

Free Free Gaza,

Viva Viva Palestina!

In shock with how the world can go on while witnessing a live streamed genocide, students and workers all over the World have organized University mass protests, demands, occupations, encampments. These manifestations of solidarity show the students and staffs dedication to education through, with and beyond the academy.  

From Basel to Gaza, Student Intifada!

Unfortunately, some universities leaderships/administrations (example uni basel) , seem to be unable to recognize this. Instead of respecting their students/clients/workers/researchers/brains~hearts~souls giving them the access to the education they demand and desire and doing their best to divest from the military-industrial complex, these “leaderships” decide to call the police. The police shows up to peaceful protestors fully geared up, their bodies are protected, anonymized, they have vans, dogs, they are armed with rubber bullets, batons, tear gas, water canons, they have the right to intimidate, to be violent, to hurt, to damage, to arrest and to take in data from the protestors.  

This leaves me feeling extremely disgusted.  

Redet uns den Scheiss nicht ein,  

Polizei das muss nicht sein!  

Unsere Strassen unser Rhein,  

lass das kontrolieren sein!

From the River to the Sea,  

Palestine will be Free,  

From the Sea to the River,  

Palestine will live forever!

One solution, World Revolution!

Hey Hey, Ho Ho, the occupation has got to go!


occupation no more,  


Israhell is a terrorist state,  

in our hundreds in our millions  

we are all palestinians

Nous sommes tous des enfants de Gaza!

No boarder no nation, stop deportation.

Rooting Research

Tools for Research read friendship


Strengthening the Web of Tolerance 🕸️

Secrets and loss of text

Okay (unconclusion)

Instructions: Mini Protest Banners

Table of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Heading text

“Freedom is not a secret.It’s a practice.” Alexis Pauline Gumbs

  1. Choudry, Aziz, and Salim Vally, eds. The university and social justice: Struggles across the globe. Between the Lines, 2020.