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File:20230918191122-53886859-me.jpg|alt=Many people working together around a large table
File:20230918191122-53886859-me.jpg|alt=A Constant worksession brings many people together around a large table|A worksession in the collective space, organised by Constant
File:20230926180613-9be294fe-me.jpg|alt=A view from outside, dark sky, windows are lit
File:20230926180613-9be294fe-me.jpg|alt=A view from outside, dark sky, windows are lit|The space viewed from the outside
File:20230926180959-b83302a8-me.jpg|alt=A sunny garden with two people inspecting plants under a bright blue sun cover
File:20230926180959-b83302a8-me.jpg|alt=A sunny garden with two people inspecting plants under a bright blue sun cover|In the sunny garden grow figs, pears and euphorbias
File:Signal-2024-02-12-111521 003.jpg|alt=A view on a double desk lit by a lamp, surrounded by plants
File:Signal-2024-02-12-111521 003.jpg|alt=A view on a double desk lit by a lamp, surrounded by plants|TITiPI's desks upstairs

Revision as of 09:32, 15 May 2024

Our office is located at Chaussée de Jette 388 II, 1081 Brussels, Belgium.

We share a two story former electronics workshop with several artists and collectives. The studio functions as a shared workspace where research and practices can be woven together. The building consists of two floors of each ca. 150m2. The ground floor is used collectively for internal or external (group) residencies, workshops, meetings, prototyping and production. The downstairs floor has (almost) step free access and includes a kitchen, tool storage, spacious garden with fruit trees, and a shed for woodwork.

The first floor is inhabited by artists, collectives and researchers working around technology, visual arts, architecture, textile and urban space: Agnes Villette, Alexander Marinus, Common room (Rachel Himmelfarb), Constant, Vereniging voor Kunst en Media, Diego Echegoyen, Jimena Perez Salerno, Marius Escande, Martino Morandi, Peter Westenberg, Sarah Illouz, Sina Seifee, Wouter de Raeve & Fourthirty-one Collective.