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## Talks, panels, workshops and exhibitions
=== Talks, panels, workshops and exhibitions ===
* FAQ: Questions fréquemment posées sur l'action trans*féministe contre le Cloud, [ APREM#10], La Fabrique de Theatre, Mons (November 2023)
* ''The Institute for Technology in the Interest of Worms'', workshop contribution with Martino Morandi, [ Loose Energy Curriculum: Grow your own solar cell], AIA, Zürich (September 2023)
* ''Pocketpower!'', contribution to [ The Hmm’s Data Centre Tour], with Nazanin Karimi and Cristina Cochior (Varia), The Hmm, Amsterdam (September 2023)
* [ Misplacing matter? Vertical practices and (hi)stories of space and power], workshop contribution, University of Augsburg (Augustus 2023)
* [ Operations Room], Hangar, Barcelona (July 2023)
* [ The Suspicion Machine], panel contribution, De Dependance, Rotterdam (April 2023)
* [ Unlearning Platform Realism], Leiden University (March 2023)
* Infrables, contribution to [ Tangible Clouds], Brussels (March 2023)
* [ Desconfiad de la pieded química], talk in LaaS Fellowship public programme (with Marta Echaves), La Virreina, Barcelona (March 2023) [in Spanish]
* [ Counter Cloud Strategies], panel moderation, transmediale, Berlin (February 2023)
* [ Infras Antifas #1 - Agua] (with Higo Mental, Plecs, online), 2023 [in Spanish]
* Undergroundings: Infrastructures for Removal, keynote (as The Underground Division), [ Groundings], Linnaeus University, Växjö (December 2022)
* Counter Cloud Action workshop, NEoN, Dundee (November 2022)
* [ Digital Capitalism], panel contribution Miriyam Aouragh and Seda Gürses, [ State of the World 2022 Global Conference], TNI, Amsterdam (October 2022)
* [ Doing research otherwise], Deradicalizing the city, Leuven (2022)
* [ Bugreporting at the end of the world], AMRO, Linz, Austria (2022)
* Escola d'Elefants dins de l'Habitació (La Capella, Barcelona). Ongoing seminar (2022-2024), [ notes on a pad] [in Spanish]
* Solidary Infrastructure, keynote at Solidarity Retreat, Soeterbeek, The Netherlands (2022)
* [ Small c vs. big C: How Computational Infrastructures Capture Technical and Social Imaginary for Public Life], [ Thinking through the Crises series] of the Amsterdam Research Center for Gender and Sexuality (ARC-GS), SPUI25 (March 2022)
* Infrables, workshop at [ Tangible Clouds Workshop], Brussels (June 2022)
* Infrables, on-line workshop in the series [ Digital Solidarities Networks] organized by Varia (June 2021)
* Hiding trees among the forest, workshop in the series [ Reclaiming Digital Infrastructures], KASK Gent (April 2022)

* [Unlearning Platform Realism](, Leiden University, March 2023
Published papers, interviews and podcasts:
* Infrables, contribution to [Tangible Clouds](, Brussels, March 2023
* [Counter Cloud Strategies](, panel moderation, transmediale, February 2023
* Counter Cloud Action workshop, NEoN Dundee, UK, November 2022
* [Digital Capitalism](, panel contribution Miriyam Aouragh and Seda Gürses, [State of the World 2022: Online Global Conference](, TNI, October 2022
* [Doing research otherwise](, Deradicalizing the city, Leuven
* [Bugreporting at the end of the world](, AMRO 2022, Linz, Austria
* Solidary Infrastructure, keynote at Solidarity Retreat 2022, Soeterbeek, The Netherlands
* [Small c vs. big C: How Computational Infrastructures Capture Technical and Social Imaginary for Public Life](, [Thinking through the Crises series]( of the Amsterdam Research Center for Gender and Sexuality (ARC-GS). SPUI25, March 2022
* Infrables, workshop at [Tangible Clouds Workshop](, Brussels, June 2022
* Infrables, on-line workshop in the series [Digital Solidarities Networks]( organized by [Varia](, June 2021
* Hiding trees among the forest, workshop in the series [Reclaiming Digital Infrastructures](, KASK Gent, April 2021
## Interviews and podcasts
* Keltoum Belorf, Interview. Coronacrisis: Tracing-app, een magisch redmiddel of tool om publiek te sussen? De Wereld Morgen, June 2020
* Radio Informal, RYBN interviews The Institute for Technology in the Public Interest (May 2020)
* Wie sich die Debatte um Corona-Tracing ändern muss. Interview with Chris Köver, Netzpolitik (May 2020)
* A chance to transgress. We Be Imagining, with J. Khadijah Abdurahman, Ilan Mandel and Stanley Muñoz
## Publications
* The Institute for Technology in the Public Interest (2023), [The Suspicious System: a conversation on the rise of automated bureaucracies](
* The Institute for Technology in the Public Interest, ‘From Cloud to Crowd’, NEoN Digital Arts, 17 October 2022,
* The Institute for Technology In the Public Interest (2022), edited by Helen V Pritchard, and Femke Snelting, [Infrastructural Interactions: Survival, Resistance and Radical Care](
* The Institute for Technology in the Public Interest (2021, 2022), [Infrables: The Cloud is not an Option](, Iterated at the [Tangible Clouds Workshop]( and the series [Digital Solidarities Networks]( organized by [Varia](
* The Institute for Technology in the public interest (2021), '[EU Digital COVID Certificates: When governments move fast and break things](' GitHub, May 28,
* Aouragh, Miriyam, Gürses, Seda, Pritchard, Helen and Snelting, Femke. [The extractive infrastructures of contact tracing apps]( in: Journal of Environmental Media
* Aouragh, M., Gürses, S., Pritchard, H. and Snelting, F. as Institute for Technology in the Public Interest (2020), ‘[The long tail of contact tracing](’, GitHub, 10 April,
# Collaborations and related work
The members of the institute also collaborate in other constellations; some of these collaborations predate the launch of the institute. Our initiatives include: self-initiated research, project development, advocacy and policy work, successful funding applications for academic and artistic research, management of teams and budgets.
## Projects + Research
* Gürses, S. and Poon, M., [Programmable Infrastructures](
* Seeta Peña Gangadharan, Seda Gürses, Suresh Venkatasubramanian, [Critiquing and Rethinking Accountability, Fairness and Transparency](, an event co-located with the FaccT Conerence, 2020.
* Bogdan Kulynych, Bekah Overdorf, Ero Balsa, Carmela Troncoso, Seda Gürses, Protective Optimisation Technologies, EPFL, Cornell Tech, TU Delft.
* The Underground Division (Helen Pritchard, Femke Snelting, Jara Rocha), [ROCK REPO](
* Possible Bodies (Femke Snelting, Jara Rocha), [Volumetric Regimes](
* Regenerative Energy Communities (Helen Pritchard, Miranda Moss, Daniel Gustafsson, Eric Snodgrass), [REC](
* [Citizen Sense]( (Jennifer Gabrys, Helen Pritchard)
## Publications
* Miriyam Aouragh, Layal Ftouni, Maayke Botman,  Sruti Bala. 2021 _Insurgent intersectionality_. Bookchapter, forthcoming. Jennifer Nash (eds.), Routledge companion to intersectionality.
* Pritchard, Helen, Rocha, Jara, & Snelting, Femke. (2020). Figurations of Timely Extraction. Media Theory, 4(2), 155-188.
* Helen Pritchard, Loren Britton. _For CS_ in: Interactions, Volume XXVII.4 July-August 2020
* Pritchard, Helen; Rocha, Jara and Snelting, Femke. 2020. _We Have Always Been Geohackers_. In: Annike Haas; Maximilian Haas; Hanna Magauer and Dennis Pohl, eds. How to Relate: Knowledges, Arts, Practices. Munich: Wilhelm Fink Verlag. (Book Section, In Press)
* Seda Gürses, Bekah Overdorf, Bogdan Kulynych, Ero Balsa, Carmela Troncoso (2018), “_Questioning the Assumptions Behind Fairness Solutions_”, Workshop on Critiquing and Correcting Trends in Machine Learning (co-located with NeuroIPS).
* Seda Gürses, Rebekah Overdorf, Ero Balsa (2018), _Stirring the POTs: Protective Optimization Technologies_, In Emre Bayamlioglu, Irina Baraliuc, Liisa Janssens, Mireille Hildebrandt (Eds.) Being Profiled: Cogitas Ergo Sum: 10 years of Profiling the European Citizen, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam.
* S. Gurses, J. Van Hoboken, _Privacy after the Agile Turn_, In, Jules Polonetsky, Omer Tene, and Evan Selinger (Eds.): Cambridge Handbook of Consumer Privacy (Cambridge University Press) (2018):579-601.
* Aouragh, Miriyam, and Paula Chakravartty. “_Infrastructures of Empire: Towards a Critical Geopolitics of Media and Information Studies_.” Media, Culture & Society 38, no. 4 (May 2016): 559–75.
* Femke Snelting, Roel Roscam Abbing and Peggy Pierrot, ‘Modifying the Universal,’ Executing Practices, 33, 2017.
* Gabrys, Jennifer, Pritchard, Helen, & Barratt, Benjamin. (2016). Just good enough data: Figuring data citizenships through air pollution sensing and data stories. Big Data & Society, 3(2), 205395171667967.
* Pritchard, Helen, & Gabrys, Jennifer. (2016). From Citizen Sensing to Collective Monitoring: Working through the Perceptive and Affective Problematics of Environmental Pollution. GeoHumanities, 2(2), 354-371.
* Aouragh, M., Gürses, S., Rocha, J. and Snelting, F. (2015), ‘_FCJ-196 Let’s first get things done! On division of labour and techno-political practices of delegation in times of crisis_’, The Fibreculture Journal, ‘Entanglements – Activism and Technology’, 26,

Latest revision as of 11:30, 14 November 2023

Talks, panels, workshops and exhibitions

Published papers, interviews and podcasts: